Hello, I'm Sounak
I am software developer, currently working at Spring & River TechI would be glad, if you join me with my journey by scrolling..

Secondary Schooling
- Julien Day School
Senior Secondary Schooling (2014-2016)
- Indira Gandhi memorial high School
College (2016-2020)
- Narula Institute of Technology
Techs and tools
I've worked with:
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • JavaScript
- • Python
- • Java
- • SQL
- • MongoDB
- • Tableau
- • Moodle
- Spring and River Tech (Jan-2020 - Sept-2020)
Work Experience
- Spring and River Tech (Nov-2020 - Present)

I have worked with on javascript on Homeunion, where i had to make a tax calculator according to their requirement. Worked on Backend Subscription developement of the Textplicit application. Worked on Java, Springboot apllication where i was involved in the backend development of the NorthLadder Website. Worked on Tableau project, where i was involved in generating reports.
My works
Tic-Tac-ToeYou can play it by yourself, with friends or with the Computer (Based on Random Technique). It keeps tracks about the winner of the game and decides the winner when you reset the game.


These are some of the many supports, whom i was able to mention.
Thank You!

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